ReGrow - Function-integrated lightweight construction for sustainable building with regionally renewable raw materials

  • Contact:

    Prof. Andreas Wagner

  • Funding:

    Ministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg

  • Start Date:

    March 2022

  • End Date:

    January 2024

Project Description

The ReGrow project opens up new applications for fast-growing regional materials in construction by developing digital design and manufacturing processes for more sustainable and recyclable lightweight structures.

The project investigates building applications of natural fibres and fast-growing plant shoots, which can be processed into load-bearing components exclusively through the use of specially adapted digital manufacturing technology.

The focus of the fbta is on the functional integration of local cooling through evaporation (plant growth; spraying of water) or air movement. This is intended to counteract the heat island effect on a microclimatic level and thus increase the quality of stay for visitors. To this end, simulation studies will be carried out using climate and comfort analysis tools to analyse the influence of various parameters on microclimate and comfort. The results will be fed back to the design team and an iteration process will take place between design and simulation to find the optimal shape. As part of the project, a demonstrator will then be implemented and shown at the Federal Garden Show 2023 in Mannheim. The microclimatic effects will be communicated to visitors via monitoring.